Census Adds, Revises AES Codes to Reflect New BIS Chip Tooling Controls
The Census Bureau added two new license codes and revised an existing license code in the Automated Export System this week to reflect the Bureau of Industry and Security's latest export controls on semiconductor manufacturing equipment and high-bandwidth memory (HBM) (see 2412020016).
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AES filers should use New License Code 71 when exporting items under new BIS License Exception HBM, Census said in a Dec. 5 email to industry. The license exception authorizes certain exports, reexports and in-country transfers of HBM-related items specified in Export Control Classification Number 3A090.c.
Census is also adding new New License Code C72 for exporters of items eligible under License Exception Restricted Fabrication Facility (RFF), which allows certain exports to fabs that are subject to BIS end user-based license requirements on the Entity List but that aren’t currently producing advanced node chips. The agency said all ECCNs can be used with that license code except for 3B001, 3B002, 3B993, 3B994, 3D992, 3D993, 3D994, 3E992, 3E993 or 3E994.
Both new codes can’t be used when the mode of transportation is listed as “Fixed Transport” and when the export information code is listed as “UG.”
Census also updated existing License Code C65, a code introduced last year for exporters sending items under a temporary general license created by a previous semiconductor-related export control rule issued by BIS in October 2023 (see 2303150031). That temporary general license had authorized certain chip-related exports, reexports, transfers and exports from abroad destined to or within China or Macau. Census is now updating the code to reflect updates made by BIS to the general license in the rule published this week, which added new ECCNs that control certain chip equipment, among other changes.