Justice Dept.’s Telecom Task Force asked for input on how to impr...
Justice Dept.’s Telecom Task Force asked for input on how to improve its merger review process. Task force chief Donald Russell sent letter to 50 communications attorneys inviting them to March 1 private meeting to participate in “informal, off-the-…
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record discussion.” Discussion topics listed in Jan. 10 letter: (1) Do initial task force investigations lead to “success in efficiently distinguishing between transactions which raise substantial competitive concerns and those which do not?” (2) How can task force best improve its “understanding of commercial or technological considerations relevant to our competitive analysis.” (3) How would attorneys compare task force merger review and processes with FTC, FCC, other sections of DoJ’s Antitrust Div., foreign antitrust agencies. (4) How could “second-request process be modified to promote the efficient and focused production of relevant information and documents.” Russell’s letter said those were just suggestions, and other issues can be raised at meeting. Russell said 2 moderators would help direct discussion: Verizon attorney John Thorne and Kevin Sullivan of King & Spaulding. Russell also encouraged attorneys to communicate with him directly, if they choose, by phone or e- mail. Letter went to Who’s Who of communications lawyers such as Richard Devlin of Sprint, James Rill of Howrey, Simon, Arnold & White, Mark Rosenblum of AT&T, Charles Rule of Covington & Burling, Michael Salsbury of WorldCom, Philip Verveer of Wilkie, Farr & Gallagher. Letter said all of them had worked for at least one client on important transaction reviewed by task force.